Genshin Impact: Leak shows Kokomi Banner and could be one of the best 4 stars

A leak has now shown the Kokomi banner IMPACT. In addition to the mighty healer, there is still another character that could be worthwhile.

According to a new leak, we now know which characters will come to the next event banner. The 5-star character Kokomi was already known, but there were no information on the other 4-star characters.

Now there is information about the Kokomi banner and that is especially pleased that users are looking forward to the banner not only because of Kokomi.

What is in the Kokomi Banner? According to Leak, the following figures should be included in the Kokomi Banner:

Kokomi, a 5-star character with water Beidou, a 4-star character with electric Rosaria, a 4-star character with frost (Kryo) Xingqiu, a 4-star charter with water.

Especially Xingqiu could be worthwhile for users who are looking for Bennet or Barbara after a strong supporter who relies more damage reduction.

On Reddit, you are already discussing about the Kokomi banner and many users are particularly well surprised by the 4-star characters. Especially users who want to pull Kokomi anyway, now get at least a strong alternative away from the 5-star character.

Xingqiu is one of the best supporters

Who is Xingqiu? XINGQIU is a 4-star character set to the element of water. You also get the character from the normal standard banner and does not need the event banner.

Why is Xingqiu so well? XINGQIUS Elementary ability and ultimate ability offer powerful defensive and offensive support.

His ability GUHUA sword cloudburst creates small swords that circle the character. In case of damage, these are destroyed and reduce the incoming damage. In addition, the interrupt resistance of the figures is increased. Xingqius Guhuas Sword Rain and Bow triggers heavy attacks each attack that causes water damage. At the same time, small swords remain to receive the character that reduce the damage.

Especially in combination with clover or other fires characters, with Xingqius elemental ability, you can quickly trigger the evaporation response and thus make much extra damage. With Kryro characters, opponents can also be quickly freezed.

The combination of him and his skills make Xingqiu a strong support character that does not even have to stand on the field for support.

That s why the banner is worthwhile: Xingqiu plays his strengths, especially if their constellation (constellation) brings to the maximum. Because at the highest level you generate additional points elementary energy.

But already with the 2nd stage of the constellation clear sky you not only extend the duration of GUHUA sword rain and bow , but also reduces the water-siderstand of the opponents for 4 seconds by 15%.

What do you think? Have you already gambled with Xingqiu or do you have other characters that you use for the support? Tell us in the comments and discuss with other users.

Genhin Impact: Everything about Patch 2.2 - Leaks, Release, Banner, Characters


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