Wow: Item replaces macro

The demonic gate, also known as a hexer portal in Wow, is one of these supporters, which is quite useless, but will be indispensable in other occasions. If you think of fighting like the mythical kil jaeden, Panzer of N zoth or also the Passensmith Raznal, you prefer not to imagine how hard this would be without the teleport by the demonic gate.

However, it is often not easy to use. In the theory, it sounds quite simple: The witch champion places the two parts of the demonic gate and the players simply click on one of the portals and are thrown at each other. But those who tried the whole thing in a full Raid who had to find that it is not so easy to click the portal when the entire rack has gathered on it. If the boss is then in the gate and the timing is enormous, then that can go into the pants very quickly. However, Blizzard with Patch 9.1.5 wants to remedy with a new item.

With DEMGATEWAY Control Shard you automatically click on a demonic gate in reach.

The item gets her in Oribos at Akquisiteur Ta gosh in the hall of the curiosities, where it costs you with 100 gold. This is actually a classic item and not how many players would suggest a toy. You have to buy it individually with every character and always carry around with you - if you want to use it. Wow: Item replaces macro - no chaos click on the hexer portal! (2) Source: demonic gate In practice, the item works pretty simple. If there is no demonic goal nearby, the item makes nothing. But as soon as a gate is within range, you can automatically click it when using the item. So you do not have to go to the goal anymore with the mouse and hope that no player stands in the way. This also makes the use of complicated focus macros for the use of the portal superfluous. So you could do so so far when timing was very important when using the demonic gate.

But a small problem remains remains. If several portals are in a stain, then the approaching is always selected. Depending on how many players or opponents stand up there, it may then be confusing and you usually use the wrong portal - but that can rarely happen and is a small price for the great advantage that you are the Gateway Control Shard, currently has no German name yet.

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