Final Fantasy 14 played: In Endwalker you can look forward to much

We had the honor to nurse on September 29, 2021 as part of a media tour in the upcoming Endwalker Add-on. The highlights we summarize for you.

Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker: touching words of Yoshi P.

For years, the fans have been pursuing the captivating story around the two Gods Haedelyn and Zodiark. Numerous quests, dungeons, raids and exciting as well as funny stories invited the players to spend their time in this beautiful fantasy world. With patch 6.0 ends this epic, but with 6.1 a completely new story is started . What will expect you there, we do not know yet, but after all, we can show you and tell you.

Before the real event started, producer Naoki Yoshida had something to say. First of all, he spoke the Covid 19 pandemic, which unfortunately made sure that the extension seems a little later when it was planned. It was important to be important to emphasize that Japan is in a difficult situation, many of course ensure safety and face the fight against the virus. Furthermore, he thanked the players: He looked forward to the over 24 million players worldwide , for they made sure that the work continues to make great fun.

Attention! This article is based on playing a built in development builds of Final Fantasy 14: EndWalker. The content of the final version can still change.

Time for change: numbers, teleportation and housing

After the very touching and loving words, of course, there was also new information about endwalkers. Yoshida went to the changes in the game mechanics and there are small but fine developments. In order to counteract great numbers, for example the combat values ​​and experience points are significantly reduced , with all values ​​equally adapted. At the fame, that should not change, but it should help to avoid mistakes and improve the graphic.

However, there will also be changes when teleporting. So far, the highest value is here at 999 gil, but purely logically seen, further routes must naturally go beyond. Here you have to grab something deeper in the pocket in the future .

The Housing is part of Final Fantasy 14, who still needs a lot of work, but here, the developers have thought about how to improve it.

Yoshida stressed that the team developed a new lottery system . In an interview with the page PCGamer, the whole thing was explained in more detail. If you see that a property for a certain time (he called a hypothetical value of four days) is available, then you can afford a repayable deposit on the sign in front of the house, which is based on the price of the property.

For this you come to a lost pot, from which is drawn a random winner . If you have been chosen, you will receive a notification and a period to pay the rest of the sum. If you did not win, you will receive your deposit back. The same system should also grab when owners were too long inactive and the property had to be cleared - so no hours of knob pressing more on the signs!

The trust system and the new dungeon Tower of Zot

The team behind Final Fantasy 14 is important that the game is for everyone, whether sociable or rather alone. Soloists can look forward from patch 6.1 via an improved trust system and using their self-confident and safer in the game. We tested it for you and can report well positive.

The Tower of Zot is one of those towers that can be seen everywhere in the game world and play a major role in the history of Endwalker. Here the developers have done whole work, because the interior of this dungeon looks threatening, but The mixture of mechanical and biological components is quite fascinating .

The struggles were initially a big challenge , but more surprising was composed against the well-known Magus sisters. Why they are hostile to you in Endwalker, is not known - but you will surely find out.

Overall, the new dungeon is varied and awakens the curiosity on what will follow in endwalker.

In this video you can make a first impression:

The Reaper and the Sage

Of course we also used the time to look at the new jobs.

The reaper (snitter) has a pretty fleet, but liquid fighting style . Playing is not just great fun, it will not be boring either. The goal is to strengthen the power of your avatars with your attacks with your attacks and finally unleash. You can orient yourself to your job beams and strengthen your attacks for a while.

Of course, the Sage (wiser) has all ordinary healings and shields, but it is also important with him to harm damage to really benefit from his healing. The ability Kardia plays a big role. Applied to a group member, this is healed with each damage magic about a certain amount. Here it will take you to find out when you can rely on the passive healing and when it will be necessary to go over to direct healing - but you will have long enough time to have time, as soon as the new extension has appeared.

Final Fantasy 14: EndWalker appears on November 23, 2021 and can already be pre-ordered. Pre-orderers not only receive earlier access, but also bonuses in the form of earrings and a companion.


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