NVIDIA GeForce Now: New subscription
GeForce Now: RTX 3080 subscription from December
NVIDIA evaluates the Cloudgaming Service GeForce Now with a new premium subscription. So far, there was a free version of GeForce Now, where you peripheral sessions perceive. The second option is the priority subscription for 99.99 euros per year or 9.99 euros per month with RTX 2080 graphic features, preferred access to the servers and full HD resolution with 60 fps at a maximum session duration of six hours.
The three variants of GeForce Now from December - the RTX 3080 option is new. Source: Nvidia New Add to this comes from December the RTX 3080 option, a premium variant of GeForce Now. Here Nvidia offers exclusive access to servers with RTX 3080 power for 120 fps at WQHD on PCs, Macs and Android as well as at Nvidia Shield also 4k HDR with 60 fps. The maximum session length is eight hours. The cost point: 99.99 euros for six months. The pre-order possibility for the RTX 3080 subscription starts now, but first only for Founder and current users of the priority option. In December, it is also going on with the availability of the service.
New technology at GeForce Now
For the technique of RTX 3080 subscription, NVIDIA offers new so-called superpods - these are server units equipped with strong graphics cards and 8960 CPU cores per superpod. In a videoconference, we were able to receive some more technical information from NVIDIA a few days ago: The RTX 3080 subscription uses its own graphics card per user. While this is not identical to an RTX 3080, but a custom server graphics card whose performance is at the level of a GeForce RTX 3080. Raytracing and DLSS are also offered if the game supports this. The graphic setting can also specify the user as needed and save the options for the next session. CPU side use the SuperPods Ryzen Threadripper Pro processors with 16 cores. Two users share the CPU power - since the CPUs two have these with 8 cores each (16 threads), every user gets their own assigned.
Nvidia s new superpods can supply several hundred gamers with RTX 3080 performance. Source: NVIDIA In addition, every Gamer 24GB RAM are available. The ram set appears high, but should cover future developments. On the basis of the number of cores per superpod we have calculated that in a superpod apparently 560 threadripper Pro CPUs are plugging. Thus, a SuperPod, unless some CPUs serve for other purposes, can supply 1120 users at the same time, and it would therefore be (up to) 1120 graphics cards in each SuperPod.
Latenz and Adaptive Sync
Of course, Cloudgaming is generally a good internet connection, in which the latency should be as low as possible. Here Nvidia has studied and open new server locations and planned further locations. Overall, 30 centers provide 80 countries worldwide GeForce Now community, which is now 12 million gamers. For German users, from December, SuperPod locations are available in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris and London. Also in Latenz, Nvidia promises improvements to improve the service to the things that have nothing to do with the Internet access to the user. An innovation is also Adaptive Sync via the Internet. The server synchronizes the data with the user s monitor via Internet - exactly as the Adaptive SYNC techniques do normally if your graphics card calculates the game graphics. The Adaptive Sync technique of GeForce Now is available to anyone, whether you use the free or one of the two subscription versions. Incidentally, we prepare a special for cloudgaming for the weekend, which could be a real alternative because of the horrendous graphics card prices for many.
From Antonio Funes
21.10.2021 at 15:30
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