Xbox: Microsoft celebrates 20 years Xbox with cool virtual 3D

20 years ago, the first Xbox console from Microsoft came to the market. To celebrate the anniversary, there are not only some cool accessories, more games for the downward compatibility of Xbox Series S / X and free game content, but now also a virtual museum. In it, you can explore the twenty years of Xbox history in 3D and lead you exactly to the individual stations. If you want, you can even sign up and get your own personal story with the Xbox consoles and games displayed.

Virtual Museum lets us look back on the Xbox story

Big round birthday: The very first Xbox console has been released on 15 November 2001 in the USA. On February 22, 2002, Launch followed Japan and Europe came to the market in Europe on March 14th. This means that the time-honored Microsoft console has recently celebrated her twentieth birthday and this year has her 20th anniversary. Which is of course celebrating, among other things:

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more on the subject

Xbox Series X / S gets 70 more downward compatible Xbox original and Xbox 360 games

Virtual 3D Museum opened: Microsoft now also opens the doors of a virtual museum for the twenty-year Xbox history. That is, you can now easily explore the individual stations of the console history by browser. To do this, you control an avatar through the area and can stop info boards, which then present videos, facts, gives and more.

The respective areas are arranged according to console generations and shine in their own color. In addition, you will also find three-dimensional exhibits in the museum, for example a Halo-Warthog or a Lancer from Gears of War. Partly even a spaceship floats over you in the virtual hall.

Your personal Xbox story

Who wants, can also register with your own Xbox Live account. Then you get your own personal museum to face that you can explore — assuming you played enough Xbox games. For example, you can see when exactly you have signed in Xbox Live for the first time, in which titles you are the most active in the last 20 years and so on.

How do you find the virtual Xbox museum and the very personal exhibition?


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